Discover Your Options!!!

Commercial Real Estate: Commercial real estate refers to properties primarily used for business or income-generating purposes. It encompasses properties where companies conduct their operations, and income is generated from leasing or renting the space to tenants.

Why Buy Commercial Real Estate?

  1. High Yield: These properties typically offer higher annual returns due to their larger scale and demand.
  2. Capital Maximization: Prices may be in the millions, making them ideal for those seeking substantial real estate ownerships.
  3. High Demand: Businesses often prefer leasing over property purchase, making commercial real estate a lucrative choice for prospective co-owners.
  4. Stable Tenants and Income: Commercial leases tend to have longer terms, providing stability and income predictability.
  5. Long-Term Capital Appreciation: Commercial properties appreciate in value significantly over time, leading to property appreciation gains.
  6. Triple Net Leases: In some cases, tenants may cover property expenses like taxes, insurance, and maintenance.
  7. Multiple Property Types: Commercial real estate encompasses various property types, allowing greater diversification within the sector.

Explore the various types of Commercial Real Estate on Offer!!!

Offices: The Hub of Business

Industrial Spaces: Where Business Gets Physical

Retail Properties: Bringing Commerce to the Masses

Hotels: Hospitality and Profitability

Urban Land: Where the City Grows

Farmlands: Fertile Ground for Real Estate Ownership Diversification

  Each type of commercial real estate has its unique characteristics, demand drivers, and income potentials. Choosing the right type of commercial real estate for your property portfolio depends on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions.

If you are interested in co-owning Commercial Real Estate, kindly search our properties section. If you can’t find what you are looking for, indicate your interest and the specific type of property in our request form.

Residential Real Estate:  Residential real estate are properties primarily designed for human habitation. These properties are intended for individuals and families to live in and are not used for commercial or income-generating purposes. Residential real estate is the cornerstone of the housing market.

Why Buy Residential Real Estate?

  1. Steady Rental Income: Residential properties offer a consistent stream of rental income from tenants, providing financial stability and cash flow.
  2. Consistent Demand: There is a constant demand for housing, making residential properties a relatively stable and secure property ownership plan.
  3. Long-Term Appreciation: Over time, residential properties tend to appreciate in value, potentially leading to property appreciation gains when selling.
  4. Sustainability:   Residential properties have utilitarian value and help to drive sustainability in cities thereby creating an additional driver for demand and growth.
  5. Inflation Hedge: Property values and rental income often rise with inflation, helping to protect wealth against eroding purchasing power.

Explore the various types of Residential Real Estate on Offer!!!

Single-Family Homes: The Classic Choice

Apartments: Urban Living, Multifamily Style

Condominiums (Condos): Ownership with a Twist

Townhouses: Community Living with Character

Duplexes and Multiplexes: Double or More the Living

All our residential real estate offerings cater to different socio-economic classes, lifestyle priorities and individual needs and offer varying demand and returns.

If you are interested in co-owning Residential Real Estate, kindly search our properties section. If you can’t find what you are looking for, indicate your interest and the specific type of property in our request form.

Short Hold Real Estate:  Short-hold real estate refers to properties acquired for a specific income-generating cycle with a predetermined exit strategy. Co-owners contribute to own these properties for a defined period, typically ranging from several months to a few years, to earn income, after which the property is sold off after the hold period. It is particularly suitable for co-owners looking for a quick turnaround of their contributions. Short-hold real estate may be residential, commercial or land but the focus is always on short-term property appreciation and quick exit.

Why buy Short-Hold Real Estate?

  1. Swift Returns:  Short-hold real estate co-ownerships are designed for those who seek quick, tangible results. You won't be tying up your contributions for extended periods.
  2. Test the Waters: It provides a low-risk way to experience property ownership without committing to a long-term holding.
  3. Income Opportunities: You can generate income through rental earnings or property appreciation during your short-hold ownership period.
  4. Opportunistic Ventures:  Take advantage of unique opportunities that may emerge to quickly acquire real estate with high yield and quick property appreciation potentials.
  5. Profitable Leverage:  Generate income efficiently. By opting for short-hold properties, you can earn incomes quickly while retaining the freedom to shift strategies when the time is right

Explore the various types of Short-Hold Real Estate on Offer!!!

Vacation Homes: Getaways of All Kinds

Serviced Apartments: Home Away from Home

Short-Lets: Stay on Your Terms 

Mobile Homes: Life on the Move

Mobile Offices: Work Where You Want

Prime Land: Gateway to New Cities

These are the most common forms for short-hold real estate opportunities, however opportunities for short-term property appreciation may emerge with any residential or commercial property from time to time.

If you are interested in co-owning Short Hold Real Estate, kindly search our properties section. If you can’t find what you are looking for, indicate your interest and the specific type of property in our request form.