What Is build.ng?
build.ng is a digital property co-ownership platform. Our platform allows individuals to collectively own real estate properties. It's a modern approach to property ownership that brings together like-minded contributors to purchase properties, collectively sharing the benefits, management and responsibilities.
How Does Property Co-Ownership Work?
Property co-ownership involves a group of contributors pooling their resources to purchase a property. Each contributor owns shares or units of the property according to one’s contribution, and shares in the expenses, profits, and management costs based on their ownership percentage.
What Are the Benefits of Property Co-Ownership?
Property co-ownership offers several advantages, including reduced financial burden, diversification of income generating assets, access to better properties, shared management tasks, and the opportunity to enter the real estate market with smaller amounts of money.
Is This Platform Open to Co-Owners Outside Nigeria?
Yes, our platform is open to both local and international real estate enthusiasts. You can purchase listed properties from anywhere in the world. You can contribute and co-own properties located in a different region and diversify your real estate portfolio.
How Do I Find Co-Owners for A Property?
You can invite your friends, family and co-contributors. A lot of co-owners come to our site directly and are looking to co-own with you. Also, our platform provides a networking feature that allows you to connect with potential co-owners who share your property ownership goals and preferences. You can search for co-owners based on property type, location, and contribution amount.
How Can I Get Started with Property Co-Ownership?
To get started, simply create an account on our platform, browse available properties, connect with potential co-owners, and contribute towards the properties that align with your goals. It is as easy as that!
How Much Can I Contribute?
Properties are typically allocated in units or blocks and you may purchase up to the maximum allowed units for the specific property. The cost of individual units varies widely, allowing you to make purchases with as little as N5,000 to millions of naira depending on the property.
How Much Income Will I Get?
Your income depends on the property you co-own. Expected income for each specific property, whether rental or short-hold, is clearly stated. Income could be rental income or growth income, depending on whether it's a rent-generating or growth property.
What Are Rent-Generating Properties?
Rent-generating properties continue to generate income, either commercial or residential, for the property's lifetime or until it's sold.
What Are Short-Hold Properties?
Short-hold properties are co-owned for a specific income cycle. You exit the property after a set period, and the initial contribution and income generated are paid off, with hold-cycles ranging from 6 months to years.
Are There Any Fees Associated with Using the Platform?
We may charge fees for various services, such as transaction processing and variable property management fees based on the property type. The details of these fees can be found along with the details for the associated property or transaction.
What Happens If One Co-Owner Wants to Sell Their Share?
Co-owners can sell their ownership units to other contributors on the platform. We also offer the option to sell your units or blocks at the market price after a specific period, different for each property. Our platform facilitates the selling process and ensures a seamless transfer of ownership.
Can I Trust the build.Ng Platform?
Yes. Our offerings are grounded in multidimensional partnerships with real estate professionals, banks and insurance companies to ensure credibility and oversight. Furthermore, your contributions are securitized against the property and it remains tied to the property unless you exit. We also implement strict security measures to protect your personal information and financial data.
What Happens If a Property Becomes Unavailable Before Completion of the Transaction?
In the event that a property listed on our platform becomes unavailable before the transaction is finalized, we will offer you alternative properties with similar potential or return the entire amount for units or blocks purchased in the unavailable property.
How Is the Current Market Value of a Property Determined and How are the Properties on Offer Selected?
We determine the current market value of properties through independent valuations conducted by professional estate valuers. Our selection process involves a dedicated team with extensive real estate experience. We leverage this experience, along with both qualitative and quantitative analytics, to ensure optimal results. Additionally, we utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to expedite and simplify the complex processes involved in identifying and selecting high-yield properties. This includes analyzing numerous datasets, such as housing prices, short-term rentals, income-generating potential, historical transactions, and neighborhood features to identify the properties that offer the highest returns.
Is there A Guaranteed Return on Contribution?
We do not guarantee that you'll recover your initial contribution or receive a specific return on your contribution. Your contributions and earnings are contingent on the property's value. If the property's value increases or remains stable, you will receive your contribution and profit. However, if the value decreases, your returns will be lower. What we guarantee is that you will retain ownership of the units or blocks you've purchased in the property until the property is sold or you exit.
How Can I Hedge Against Currency Fluctuations?
We address the challenge of currency fluctuations for international contributors and co-owners by selecting properties with flexible income-generating capacity that are adaptable to market conditions. This approach helps protect the value of your contribution in an ever-changing currency environment.
What Kind of Contract Binds the Co-Owners of a Property?
Co-owners are bound by a Tenancy-in-Common Agreement.
What Is a Tenancy-In-Common?
A Tenancy in Common Agreement is a binding contract between co-owners of a property or asset. The agreement lays out all the terms both parties have to agree to in order to ensure everyone can use and manage the property properly (view draft).